South Africa is faced with a unique language challenge that many non-profit organisations are trying to help alleviate. In the Western Cape, Rogz Academy is one of these non-profit organisations playing an active part in the solution.

“African-language learners face huge cognitive and linguistic challenges in their leap from mother-tongue instruction in Grade 3 to English in Grade 4. After three years of exposure to home-language teaching and a solid introduction to English as a first additional language, children should be bilingual. But the reality is very different.” ~ Lucas Nowicki, Daily Maverick, October 2019

Rogz Academy Volunteer Programmes over the years

Since 2013, volunteers from Rogz Academy have assisted teachers with extra reading and writing sessions, especially focusing on Grade 3 and 4 learners.

In 2020 with the Covid-19 pandemic and disruptions to the school year, this has been extremely problematic with sessions switching to WhatsApp help, but it became very challenging. Since 2021, the Rogz Academy YearBeyond volunteers have been back in the schools, helping with face-to-face literacy and numeracy for these learners who are struggling to make the switch from their home language to English.

RA4ABAFUNDI campaign kicks off

In February 2022, Rogz Academy launched an additional fun education campaign which is being rolled out by the YeBoneers, also helping youth development. The campaign is called RA4ABAFUNDI and involves empowering children with life skills, new English words, as well as a bit of art.

RA = Rogz Academy.

4 = for

Abafundi = isiXhosa word for pupils/students.

To celebrate the month of love, February’s topic is “How to love your dog.” As the non-profit of Rogz pet gear, it is a great start! The information is in 6 simple steps, in English and isiXhosa, with colourful illustrations and words on one side of the leaflet, and a fun black and white illustration on the flipside for the children to colour in. The aim is to educate children from under-resourced communities on how to take care of their pets, with an emphasis on love.

Every month, the leaflets will focus on a new topic so that the learners will slowly increase their English vocabulary on different topics. The campaign is meant to be simple and fun, and is in addition to the wonderful YearBeyond programme already in place. A part from the education benefits, the learners also get to colour in the fun illustration, practicing some art skills.

A wonderful tool for YeBoneers

As the new group of Rogz Academy YearBeyond (YeBoneers) volunteers start their 2022 literacy and numeracy programmes at the under-resourced schools in the Dunoon area, they use these RA4ABAFUNDI leaflets as an “ice-breaker” to help get to know their group of learners. The learners can see the English word with the isiXhosa word and will be able to read the words to themselves and out aloud to the YeBoneer, re-enforcing a new English vocabulary about pets.

How YOU can help us

It would be wonderful if the printing of 350 leaflets every month was funded by a group of caring people, or a printing company. Please contact rogzacademynpo@rogz.com if you are interested in helping.

How we can help YOU

Rogz Academy would like to make the leaflets available to all our communities who feel their children could benefit! Download this month’s leaflet HOW TO LOVE YOUR DOG! and spread the love!

RA4ABAFUNDI – empowering our learners with literacy, life skills and art through our youth.

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