Celebrating the Strong Women of Rogz Academy

At Rogz Academy, we believe in teamwork between genders, ages and cultural backgrounds. This August, we celebrate Women’s Month by turning the spotlight on all the strong women involved in our Rogz Academy. This includes our Rogz Academy Education team, the Boost Africa Foundation team, the females of our YearBeyond team, the female teachers and principals of our under-resourced schools in Dunoon and Joe Slovo, and the young girls who we reach at these schools. 

Together, all these strong women and girls are positively impacting their communities!

Spotlight on our Rogz Academy Education Team

Meet Callie, Louise, Asi and Lee – these dynamic women are on the coalface of our Rogz Academy Education and Youth Development programmes

Callie and Louise are Programme Managers and have been a part of Rogz Academy for ten years. They show incredible resilience and fortitude, committing their time, energy and expertise to empowering children, all whilst balancing families of their own. 

Asi and Lee joined the Academy at the beginning of 2023. Asi as a Mentor and Lee as an Education Advisor – both women working hard to add value and assistance as they guide the Youth teams to deal with classroom challenges and learner issues. 

Inspiring Our Female Youth

Our Rogz Academy women are making an impact on children and youth in under-resourced communities not only through implementing the YearBeyond (Yebo) programme and providing expertise and support, but also showing love and care, nurturing growth and providing hope to these communities. 

We asked each of them to write something about their role and what it means to be a part of a dynamic female team.

Callie Lewis

“As Programme Manager of Rogz Academy, I love co-creating and collaborating with the soft and strong women in our team.  This has allowed Rogz Academy to grow from strength to strength. All the women in our team bring their own unique strengths and skill sets but the one thing they share is kindness and care for each other, our youth, our teachers and our partners.  I appreciate and honour them not only during Women’s Month but every day.  I am super blessed. All the women in our team embody what it means to be soft and strong women.”

Callie having some fun with the YeBoneers

Louise Retief

“I am a Programme Mentor at Rogz Academy, supporting Asithandile (mentor) on the YearBeyond programme. We have partnered with Boost Africa recently, who also has a strong team of women leading their organisation.  Through this partnership and through our own journey at Rogz Academy, I have realised that collaborating with women who have a common goal, can be a powerful force for innovation and progress.  When women come together to share their perspectives, skills and experiences, they can achieve greater outcomes than they could alone – ‘magic happens’.  I believe this applies to our team as well.  Passionate and committed,  with a heart for education, nutrition and youth development.”

Louise in action with YeBoneers

Lee Raubenheimer

“I am involved with the academic side of the YearBeyond Academic Programme and assist by giving input and training to the YeBoneers, so that they are equipped to carry out the literacy and numeracy programme in the schools of our cluster. On a weekly basis, I also facilitate and assist the YeBoneers to prepare and plan the relevant material required for the after school programme that they are involved in.

I find it encouraging and enriching to work with a dynamic team of women who offer a wide variety of skills, personalities and insights. It is through this positive support structure that we are able to uplift each other and the youth that we work with. Together we are able to use our passion to overcome challenges, persevere to make a difference and stand up collectively to care for those that matter.”

Lee sharing her knowledge with the YeBoneers

Asithandile Matshanga

“Working with women who are great leaders is a very inspiring and wonderful experience. I believe all the women that are directly involved in the programme are hard-working, motivated, effective communicators, and give their best to have great results. One of the really great qualities that we share is that we inspire each other, and there is motherly love in our work space. One of our superpowers is that we are all different flavours that blend.”

Asithandile is a strong force in the Rogz Academy

Celebrating Women’s Month With The YeBoneers

The YeBoneers celebrated Women’s Month during their Friday Self Development session. The session included workshops about women resilience, grit, passion and gender equality. 

The Programme Managers joined the YearBeyond teams, sharing thoughts about women’s rights within different communities.

YeBoneers came together to celebrate Women’s Month

There’s More To Business Than Business 

This Women’s month, Rogz Academy salutes all the women who play a critical empowering role in our communities and our economy. You are all fabulous and strong! 

Email rogzacademynpo@rogz.com if you want to contribute and get involved with the Rogz Academy.

More To Explore


The collaboration between ROGZ Academy and Boost Africa Foundation ensures that Youth Development through the implementation of the YeBo programme, is given shared expertise and

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