Our youth celebrates huge strides in 2021!

Rogz Academy hosted a Year-End Celebration for the 2021 Year Beyond volunteers at Rogz World Headquarters recently. The Social Innovation Leadership Challenge (in which our Yeboneers took part) winners announcement was live-streamed in the Rogz Fishtank (boardroom), whilst they filled the room with applause, laughter and a wonderful positive energy, as they shared their highs and lows over the past year.

Programme Background

In 2016 Rogz Academy partnered with the Western Cape Government as an Implementing Partner of the Year Beyond (YeBo) programme, borne out of the Provincial Youth Development Strategy launched in 2015. The strategy supports youth unemployment by aiming to ensure that by the age of 25, young people are responsible, independent, healthy and active citizens. The programme recruits young people aged 18-25 into a structured 10-month development journey focusing on work readiness, professional competencies, personal growth and progression to the world of work and/or study.

Rogz Academy Yeboneers and Intern

Throughout their journey they are provided with mentorship, self-development and socio-economic support. At the same time they are provided with training and placed in a meaningful work experience to provide literacy and numeracy support in under-resourced schools. This year, the Rogz Academy Yeboneers worked in 4 schools in Dunoon and Joe Slovo benefitting 500-600 children and 32 people from these communities. A new internship was also started, recruiting Samkelo from 2020 Yeboneers, providing invaluable work experience, mentorship and life coaching.

Looking back

Rogz Marketing interviewed a few of the Yeboneers and Samkelo, Rogz Academy Intern, to hear firsthand how this Year Beyond programme has changed their lives. It was humbling to listen to them speaking, and uplifting to hear our Youth taking control of their destinies by investing their time and energy into improving their skills for a better future.

“The program transformed my life in many aspects. Firstly it gave me the opportunity to bring food to the table and also keep me as a young active citizen. The sessions and innovative challenges we had, actually gave me the platform to grow as a person and boost my self-esteem.” Viwe – 2021 Rogz Academy Yeboneer

Viwe – 2021 Rogz Academy Yeboneer

Looking forward

Rogz Academy would like to thank the Western Cape Government Year Beyond Programme for this incredible initiative and look forward to another wonderful year in 2022, empowering the young people of South Africa who need hope and opportunities!

Pictures from L to R: Rogz Academy Yeboneers Onele, Abongile and Martin with Rogz interviewer, Charity

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