Before the Rogz Academy YearBeyond volunteers can begin their work as teacher assistants and afterschool tutors in the schools in the Dunoon cluster, intensive training needs to be completed. Callie Lewis and Louise Retief, Rogz Academy Programme Managers, run the training programme which took place this year at Theo Marais Park in Montague Gardens over a week, with the assistance of Samkele Jada, and Asiphe Sicatsha, and 38 volunteers dedicated their time to this wonderful Western Cape YearBeyond programme. The YearBeyond (Yebo) volunteers were given specially crafted YearBeyond training handbooks, manuals and booklets, as well as stationery. Rogz Academy also provided all refreshments for the week, as well as helpful Rogz pet gear 2022 Calendars for each of them to keep track of their deadlines.
What the orientation programme involved
Training was given by the Rogz Academy Programme Managers Callie and Louise and this consisted of introducing the volunteers to each other through fun activities, sharing an overview of the programme, introducing the YearBeyond (Yebo) values and competencies, doing a fun team building exercise, some literacy training, how to build positive learner relationships and working with schools, communities and other stakeholders. The week was completed with each volunteer signing an MOU where they agree to the guidelines of the programme as well as the code of conduct. This was also an opportunity for the Programme Managers to observe the volunteers during their interaction with each other.
Why the training is important
Teaching literacy and numeracy in English to Grade 3 and 4 learners who do not speak English as their home language is a skill that is sorely needed in the education challenges at under-resourced schools in South Africa. Teaching learners is not an easy task, and the volunteers learn specific methods on how to teach each module. The learners also need to feel nurtured and understood. Because the volunteers have all matriculated from these same schools, there is an intrinsic understanding of these challenges. So combined with proper teaching skills, the volunteers really are empowered to assist the teachers and make a difference in these schools.
How do the Rogz Academy Interns assist
Samkele and Asiphe Sicatsha, the Rogz Academy Interns for 2022, help enormously with the large amount of administration that needs to be completed, before the volunteers begin at the schools. They help with setting up the space for the volunteer training, as well as all the paperwork involved. During this process, Callie and Louise impart wisdom regarding goal-setting and tools to get through all the administration, dealing with setbacks and frustrations.
Training is the first step in each YeBoneer’s journey to become upskilled and empowered – we wish them all a successful journey!