The collaboration between ROGZ Academy and Boost Africa Foundation ensures that Youth Development through the implementation of the YeBo programme, is given shared expertise and combined resources in the community of Dunoon and Joe Slovo townships. The YearBeyond (Yebo) programme provides a 10-month development journey focusing on work readiness, professional competencies, personal growth and progression to the world of work or study.

Our powerful Mentor Team of Piwo, Vuyo and Anele, with ROGZ Academy’s Callie, Louise and Lee and Boost Africa’s Megan run the Self Development sessions, affectionately called “Future Fit Fridays”, every Friday and for a week in the June/July School Holidays for the 42 YeBoneers.

The team behind Future Fit Fridays

Personal Development Topics

Callie Lewis shares more about Future Fit Friday topics covered so far this year:

Taking Care of My WellBeing: We explored physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, mental and intellectual wellbeing. We emphasised practicing  self care so our YeBoneers can achieve health in all aspects of their lives.

Building Emotional Intelligence: We delved deeply into the importance of being aware, controlling and expressing our emotions in healthy ways.  We also explored managing how we respond to other people’s emotions and behaviours.

YeBoneers enjoying Future Fit Fridays

Conflict Management: We discussed the different management styles and how to manage conflict.

Being Money Smart: There is a difference between Needs and Wants. We reflected on our current spending habits, setting goals and creating budgets.

Responsible Decision-Making: What is right and wrong, how do our actions affect us and other people, looking at situations and thinking about different choices and what each means for present and future. Using critical thinking, knowing ourselves well and understanding what we believe in and care about.

YeBoneers being equipped with valuable lessons for Personal Growth

Growth Mindset: Believing that through hard work and learning you can improve your abilities, creating a growth mindset.

Grit: We explored needing passion, determination, and never giving up, all which is super important for reaching our goals.

Social Change and Active Citizenship: YeBoneers explored the significance of social change, understanding how personal growth contributes to broader societal impact. This session set the stage for developing leadership skills essential for driving social change. It explored the role each of us individually can play in the leadership needed for social change.  They learnt about various leadership styles and how they influence social movements. This session emphasises the importance of personal responsibility and being pro active.

Pathway and Progression Curriculum: This is designed to support YeBoneers in their transition to their next opportunity in 2025, whether that is work, studying, or otherwise. The P&P curriculum focuses on encouraging YeBoneers to think about and plan for their future.  Topics covered are personal branding, owning your next steps, job searching, creating a high-quality CV and cover letter and interviewing with confidence.

Once they have completed this they will be provided with an opportunity to do a practice interview.  They select a job spec, complete their CV and cover letter and attend an interview with volunteers from ROGZ HQ and St Matthews Church.  They will be given individual feedback as well as group feedback so that everyone can learn from each other’s experience.  These will take on 26 September and then they will also attend a Career Fair offered by YASPO WCG.

YeBoneers created outfits from recycled materials

June/July School Holidays Programme: During one week of the June/July school holidays, we covered a variety of topics and including guest speakers and workshops.  Topics included:

  • Understanding Waste Management
  • Recycling with a Fashion Show where YeBoneers created their outfits from recycled materials
  • Discussing challenges they face in their communities.
  • Gender discussions
  • Reflection on the past and envisioning themselves in the future.
  • Practicing mindfulness through yoga and meditation
  • Next Step Coaching workshop practicing Nonviolent communication
  • Next Step Coaching workshop exploring how we can break self-imposed beliefs to reach our full potential.


We are very proud of how our YeBoneers have actively participated in all the Self Development sessions this year and some have even described them as the “BEST” part of the YeBo programme!

More To Explore